High quality translations
at a fair price.

Fast and professional.

The calculation basis in the translation industry is the so-called standard line (calculated in the target language).

A standard line has 50-55 characters (including spaces and punctuation marks).

Translations: 1,20 -1,40 Euro per standard line depending on the difficulty level of the source text

Specialist translations: From 1,40 - 1,60 Euro per standard line depending on the difficulty level of the source text

For express orders special prices apply, Express surcharge 25% - 40%.
Weekend supplement + 20%
Text is not as a Word file + 10%
Minimum fee 35 euros
For larger orders special arrangements are of course possible.
Smaller translations (25-50 lines) are done within 24 hours without express surcharge.

Interpreting: From 80 euros per hour; + Travel time, travel expenses (travel time compensation according to the interpreter hourly rate)



You pay with no risk against the invoice, which I send you along with the associated translation by e-mail. On request, the invoicing can be delivered in paper form against shipping fees. For bills over 150 € I charge a pre-payment of 50 €.

what our customers say

Frau Sunk arbeitet sehr schnell und zuverlässig! Unsere Speisekarte gibt es, dank Frau Sunk, nun auch auf Russisch-das freut uns sehr :-) Wir werden Ihre Leistung gerne wieder in Anspruch nehmen und empfehlen Sie unbedingt weiter! -   Panoramarestaurant. Gumpoldskirchner Str. 50, 2340 Mödling

Definitely recommend Viktoria! She is a responsible and trustworthy professional. -   Elena B.

Vielen Dank für schnelle und professionelle Arbeit.  -   Dina Pawlicki

Habe die beste Erfahrung gemacht mit Fr. Sunk - Petra Kiefer